Thai Food

Thai food is known to be hot and spicy but well prepared traditional Thai dishes should not be predominantly so. There must always be harmony in a dish with the sharpness of the chillies and spices in a curry being toned down by the sweetness of the coconut cream. This also enhances the flavours and tastes of the fish sauce and other delicate ingredients.
Dinner, which is the main meal of the day, consists usually of at least three dishes with rice. Dishes are not considered courses and are served at the same time. It is customary to take portions from each dish and this can be in any
order one prefers.
In the olden days, Thai meals were traditionally eaten with fingers, But that
practice has long since ceased in the modern society, and nowadays Thai food is enjoyed with spoon and fork. We hope you do enjoy our food in the same way.
If you would like help or advice in selecting your dishes, please do not
hesitate to ask us. It is our pleasure to assist you, including vegetarian dishes.

“Until I discovered cooking
I was never really interested in anything”
Julia Child
-- We only take orders and card payment by telephone --
Please call 01225 444450 to place your order
Delivery and Collection still available from Monday - Sunday 12.00pm until 21.30pm
- Discount 20% for collection when you placed order over £25
We are continuing to monitor and follow Government advice and WHO health and hygiene guidelines and All our employees are being provided with additional training
and we are continuing to emphasise the importance of personal hygiene, routine hand-washing and restaurant cleanliness.
Thai Balcony Team

Contact Us
Seven Dials, Saw Close, Bath BA1 1EN, UK
Opening Times:
12–2:30PM and 6–10:30PM
+44 1225 444450